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Tag Archives: pianist
The piano concerto of Ravel by Mami Hagiwara
Charity concert in the UNESCO which finally approached this Sunday.
Ravel ‘Concerto in G major for Piano’ which Mami Hagiwara achieved championship as a Japanese for the first time in Geneva International Music Competition in piano section will be played in this concert.
By the finals of this contest that it produced famous great masters such as Arturo Bernedetti Michelangeo, Maurizio Pollini and Martha Argerich, Hagiwara has played this ravel ‘Concerto in G major for Piano’ known as a difficult piece of music wonderfully.
This is an appearance of the Geneva International Music Competition piano section’s final. Please enjoy a splendid performance of Mami Hagiwara such as the recital that cannot be thought with the contest.
Please come to discover new young talents as her to the concert in UNESCO, April 10th 2011. We are looking forward to see you there.