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Tag Archives: French – Japanese female company Seraph
Organized by BNF: French – Japanese Female Company Seraph “La Vague” – Nami (The Wave) Charity Performance Update:
Four years and three days after the disaster, on the 14th of March 2015, at the Grand Hall of French National Library, a play entitled “La Vague – Nami (Waves)”, was performed by the French – Japanese female company Seraph.
The play was based on a novel by Richarles Colas, “L’ocean dans la riziere” (Ocean in the Cornfields), whose theme was the East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Natural Disaster. The story, which was based on the real episodes from the disaster, speaks to us even today.
The scenes were not only created by the stage sets or the art, but they were portrayed by the ensemble of the stage sets and the actresses. The expression of the actresses became more sophisticated with each performance since the last year’s premiere and it felt as if we were witnessing the disaster on the 11th of March 2011, right there in front of us.
After the performance, with the help of the members of Paris Komachi, we fundraised to support those who suffered.
It was a great opportunity to think about the disaster, after four years, in France, and we were able to raise 2,702 euros.
All the money will be contributed to Kisennuma’s Junior Jazz Orchestra “Swing Dolphins”. It will be used for the loss due to the disaster and for the future performances. We wish from our hearts that the activities of the “Swing Dolphins” wil bring the revival of culture and the development in Kisennuma area.