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Category Archives: English
Wishes on the Mountain Top – Tanabata
As part of the event that took place at the Galerie Vivienne on June 19th, it had been decided that a children’s workshop booth would be set up with the cooperation of the people at « si tu veux (jouer) », a toy store in Paris.
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Saturday July 30 2011 – Paris, A charity event for the victim of the earthquake tragedy of 11th March 2011 was held in the gallery at 59 rue du Rivoli.
This was initiated by French buto-danser Nelson Ferreira and Japanese performer Azusa Kurokawa. YANÉKA, Japanese music unit currently based in Sweden, and violinist Clara Roy-Maeda, Contrabassist Fred Marty and costume designer Victor Férès participated in this event.
At the 1st part entitled KOMACHI, people were overwhelmed by the dynamic and still serene atomosphare which Nelson created during his performance. After a litlle break, now it was Azusa in Resuscitation of Memory who drew all the attention with her unusual magnificent black dress which covered her from the top to the toe. Her every meticulous movement kept people’s eye on her till the end.
The total amount of the donnation rised to 199.52euros, which will go to Think the Earth.
Thank you very much for your generous supprt.
Posted in English Tagged 59Rivoli, Azusa Kurokawa, Fred Marty, Nelson Ferreira, Victor Férès, YANÉKA Leave a comment
Japan Expo 2011
From last June 30 to July 3, Japan Expo the twelfth in this year was held in Parc des Expositions in Villepinte city which was close to Charles De Gaulle airport.
Japan Expo has full of a large number of crowds every year.
“Paris Komatchi” who participated in many charity events and the creator group “joint works” put a collecting box of JAPONAIDE during the expo holding.
Paris Komatchi exhibited “Ganbare Japan in special booth”. Dressed a visitor in a kimono and took a commemoration photo as for the plan, collected donations of 1207.45 euros +19 krone of Denmark in four days.
94.16 euros of the donation collected by the iPhone case exhibition. Furthermore, In charge of Japan and France translation of the booklet as a project with the first activity expense of 460.48 euros for JAPONAIDE.
JAPONAIDE does not use the expense from a donation at all. Each members paid all the necessary expense until now. However, then it is clear that there is a limit when it does long-term continuous activities.
To parallel to support activities, JAPONAIDE will make efforts to get expenses in future projects and gather sponsors and cooperators at the same time.
Thank you in advance for support and cooperation.
The charity concert “Vexations” by E. Satie in piano solo
On June 26, The charity concert by Mr.Nikolaos Horvath was held in “Auditorium of the Pole Music” of small town, Lagny-sur-Marne, where 35 kilos away from Paris.
The program, “Vexations” is a noted musical work by Erik Satie.
This piano music repeats 840 times of 52 beats of melodies is constituted, and need approximately 10-24 time for a performance.
Mr.Nicolas Horvath continued playing this work alone without taking any rest which usually several pianists play by turns. He prepared 840 pieces of scores to count 840 times repetition precisely and dropped it one by one piece on the floor. With the progress of the time, a large quantity of scores lay on the floor.
With the condition of the music hall, this piano solo was played by the tempo slightly faster than usual and finished in little less than ten hours before schedule.
After asked him the question, “Why do you do such a severe charity concert for Japan?” Since he has the companion of the Japanese woman, for the wound and the pain of the heart of the victims without disappearing, he observed this concert with strong feelings.
147euros, the total amount of the donation of this concert will be transferred to the Japanese Red Cross via the Embassy of Japan in Paris.
We thank to Mr.Nicolas Horvath and all spectators from the town, Lagny-sur-Marne, who joined us to dedicate our thoughts to the victims of Japan.
Organ Charity Concert – To support to the victims of the Earthquake in Japan –
On June 23, the concert by students of the organ department of the Paris music academy was performed at the Saint-Clotilde church in 7th area in Paris.
This charity concert was held by the suggestion of the French students with the thoughts to the victims in Japan.
The sound of the organ sounded in the church softly. The performance of six players including one Japanese was like the big yell to stricken area revival powerfully.
216.18euros, the total amount of the donation of this concert will be transferred to the Japanese Red Cross via the Embassy of Japan in Paris.
We thank to all the musicians and all people who joined us to dedicate our thoughts to the victims of Japan.
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Solidarity for Japan at the Galerie Vivienne
Gallery Vivienne is a historic area of Paris where is “the most beautiful passage in Paris”. Since Mr.Kenzo Takada had opened the first store in 1970 and the gallery had a intimate relationship with Japan from those days. After the earthquake disaster of March 11, JAPONAIDE received a proposal from the Commerce and Industry within the Gallery Vivienne asked if they could do something for a reconstruction aid of Japan. JAPONAIDE took this event plan named “SOLIDARITÉ JAPON À LA GALERIE VIVIENNE” (a solidarity for Japan in Gallery Vivienne).
On June 18, the event had opened with the speech of Mr. Hamashima from the Japanese Embassy and the speech of Mr. Isaura Brachfoge the president of the Commerce and Industry of Gallery Vivienne, along with Japanese nursery rhyme of the classical music arrangement by Ensembre Notre Prière and a splendid performance of koto player Mieko Miyazaki who participated from Bordeaux.
On June 19, “LABO LAVE JAPAN”, a cherity group consisted of Japanese patissiers in Paris and a Tea shop “Priori Thé” organized cake stand, which sales contributed to the donnation of the event. There was a Origami worksession in a toy shop “Si Tu Veux” initiated by JAPONAIDE staff and volunteers, many children and their families participated in it, spent a good time with coloring. They wrote a wish on a Tanzaku, a paper strip for Tanabata decolation. (Tanabata is a event took on the seventh night of July, people decolate a bamboo tree with their wishes)
There was also the display of the works by a Japanese illustrator Ms.Kyoko Dufaux.
In addition, there was the sale of the merchandise goods by the Commerce and Industry of the gallery Vivienne and “A-Bis”, photograph sale by “Emilio Robba” and the bazaar of other volunteers. “Bistrot Vivienne” had contributed a part of the sales.
In the gallery, the works of Japanese Ink drawing by Mr.Go Shigetomi for this event and the works dyed on a Japanese traditional paper by Mr. Shunichi Kida were displayed at the circus of the gallery, where powerful harmony of the Japanese drum by the group of Makoto, the classic koto performance by Etsuko Senda, the songs by Sophie Marchand and Yuri Higuchi, the chorus by SING! EBISU from Japan, Technical performance of two swords by Masato Matsuura and the passionate performance by Taca the accordionist took place.
The climax of the event was the spectacle “Contre les Flots” directed by Shu Okuno from JAPONAIDE with 30 performers, impressed the audience very much.
At the last scene, the candle which the audience purchased was turned on one by one, and more than 100 candles were beautifully lighted up the hall.
We pray for each person’s thought arrives in the stricken area…
The contribution total sum 4689.19 euros
“akai ito” the red thread that binds destinies together
Le Fil Rouge – the Red Thread – Pray for japan from Guillaume Aurousseau on Vimeo.
In “59Rivoli” which gathered of a multi-national artist who participated in a performance and fund-raising on the streets in the saturday afternoon. There were a lot of people having a shopping, but the feeling to say to people to participate in “sound play” seemed to be transmitted properly. It was rather than a concert, gave a sound and a voice, dance in a circle which showed interest in people who happened to pass by the street.
For a reflection point, It should be the plan to be seeing understand that was a fund-raising on the streets for earthquake disasters as a necessary point. It was a bit difficult from the image of Japan as an affluence country while new problems happen in sequence all over the world, but still in the people, there was the person who had reverence for Japan. There was the scene which got the opportunity when the people who wished to collect contributions in behalf of the sufferes from the earthquake in Japan.
It was an event to convey to people by the appeal on the street for “the support of the heart” for Japan. We thank for 1 euro, 10 cents, 1 cent that a collecting box contained.
Le Fil Rouge – The Red Thread – part II from Guillaume Aurousseau on Vimeo.
Japan Solidarity Concert
On 11th June, Charity concert “CONCERT SOLIDARITE JAPON” was held in a small town called ETAMPES where is one hour away from Paris. The concert was realized at Theatre d’Etampes by Japanese women resident in ETAMPES city called out to various people.
The players were Keiko Imamura for the soprano singer, Yukari Kaneko for the flute and fumiwo Mathushima for piano. The three musicians Began with “Ave Maria” by G. Caccini. Then Mr. Matsushima for the piano solo for “walnut percent doll” by Tchaikovsky and “Etude Op42” by A.Scriabin, the flute by the piano accompaniment for “Fantaisie sur le Freishutz” by P. Taffanel and “Ballet des Champs-Elysees” by C.W. Gluck was played. At the end four pieces of melody including “Je te veux” by E.Satie, “Les chemins de l’amour” by F. Poulenc, “Air de Rusalka” by A. Dvorak and “Air de Wally” by A. Catalani were sung by Imamura of the soprano singer by the piano accompaniment and were sung “the song of the beach” by the last encore.
920.80euros, the total amount of the donation of this concert will be transferred to the Japanese Red Cross via the Embassy of Japan in Paris.
We thank to all the musicians and all people who joined us to dedicate our thoughts to the victims of Japan.
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Prayer of 200 years, F. Liszt
19th June, the International concerts to the profit of the reconstruction after the Earthquakes in Japan was held in Madeleine temple in Paris.
The concert committee of organization for ‘Prayer of 200 years, F. Liszt’ is the support group in succession to Liszt’s intention for the earthquake disaster. On the occasion of the disaster by the flood that attacked the Danube basin in 1838, Liszt held a charity concert himself. also it was the Liszt’s 200th years birth day.
Since the earthquake, The concerts has been given in Paris, Warsaw, Vienna, Kyoto and Tokyo on the initiative of this committee. A big concert is planned in Sendai where is the stricken area on 11th March 2012. In addition, each concerts are planned in prestigious and symbolic places as the Madeleine Temple in Paris, infront of the statue of Chopin in Warsaw, in the mecca of classic music hall in VIenna, in the Imperial Palace and the Kiyomizu Temple in Kyoto.
The concert at the madeleine temple of this day began by a passionate performance of the Hungarian Rhapsody No,12. The elegant sound of ‘the dream of the love’ and from the song from an opera ‘quota’ by V.Bellini, 2 duets of a soprano and the mezzo-soprano sounded in the Madeleine temple. The second part, there was the beautiful sound which was different depth with Part 1 played. The last part of the concert was finished with “A funeral march” of Chopin by Katsaris.
2855.79 euros, the total amount of the donation of this concert will be transferred to the Japanese Red Cross via the Home of Japanese Culture in Paris.
We thank to all the performers, the musicians of the members of the concert ommittee of organization for ‘Prayer of 200 years, F. Liszt’ and all people who joined us to dedicate our thoughts to the victims of Japan.
Musicians :
Cyprien KATSARIS (Piano)
Sachi Segawa (violin)
Ryoko Yano (violin)
Ritsuko Nazé-Ohashi (alto)
Hanna Sato (flute)
Akiko Kawakubo (piano)
Mieko Kamiya (soprano)
Agnieszka Lucya (mezzo-soprano)
Chinatsu Saito (soprano)
Madoka Fukami (piano)
Yuki Kondo (piano)
Shinichi Inoguchi (piano)
Lionel Wantelez (violincello)
Jean-Michel Kim (piano)
Yuki Kondo (piano)
Seiko Kawasaki (arrangement)
Pasdeloup Orchestre
direction and piano: Kanako ABE
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Epistle concert for Japan – Henri-IV high school
On 28th May, the concert titled “the letter to Japan” by humanitarian support group SEME was performed in a chapel of French noble high school HenriIV places on Pantheon. With the performance by a soprano singer, a fluter and a pianist, the concert was composed of reading recitation of poem by the member of Ecritures aujourd’hui (Ms.Jacqueline Aupetit sponsorship).
The opening begins with the soprano singer’s clear emotion in song of Victor Hugo and the harmony of a flute and the piano, a label and Debussy, the works of the modern composer were played successively.
Reading recitation of poem as the letter addressed to Japan continues between performances. The last of the concert was played with the collected lieder of Toru Takemitsu. When the Japanese song which was with full of feelings of Lucille Marchel-Seumois played, it let beautiful Japanese sound through the concert hall.
It became the wonderful concert with being supported by the warm applause of all of you. The amount of donation achived 483.90 euros. These donations will be transferred to Japan through Japanese KNK.
Lucille Marchel-Seumois (soprano),
Sophie Peltier (flute),
Keiko Tsujii (piano)
Reader « Ecritures aujourd’hui » Ms. Jacqueline Aupetit
We thank to all the performers, the member of “Ecritures aujourd’hui” and of course for all people who joined us to dedicate our thoughts to the victims of Japan.